Monday, 28 January 2008

On my International Harvester

Hoggin up the road on my m-m-m-motorcycle,

Hi again. Hope everyone is doing well. Things here are going well. School is going great and the weather is b-e-a-u-tiful, Clark.

I feel like I am saying the same thing in every post, but not too much is different week in and week out. Couple weeks ago I tore a muscle in my foot playing soccer so I was laid up for a couple weeks not being able to do too much, but I am starting to get back on the playing field again. My foot still hurts a bit when I run or play ball, but I'm sure that's just part of the recooperating process. If not, I'm sure when Dad reads this he will tell me stay off it a few more days.

Last Friday our school, NCA, tried something we have never done before, we had a spiritual emphasis day. Spiritual emphasis day is a day where we don't hold regular classes but the whole day is devoted to chapels and seminars on different topics that the student might have questions about. Por ejemplo, Spiritual Disciplines, Why do bad things happen to good people, Being a Christian in a Secular world, God and Entertainment, Dating, etc. There were more seminars than that, but you can kind of get the idea from that. Anyway, I really enjoyed the day and some of the seminars. I really think the students enjoyed it as well, I also saw and heard a lot of them wrestle with some tough questions. Prayers were definitely answered.

Last weekend me and my roommate Mike drove our motorcycles up to Leon on Friday evening. The ride was beautiful, it was great weather and we got to see the sunset over the Nicaraguan countryside; really cool. We stayed over night in a hotel and got to watch a few hours of cable TV which was a treat. The next morning we got up at 5 and drove about a half hour to the ocean where we went fishing for 3 hours, unfortunately we didn't catch anything, but it was cool to see the sunrise over the Pacific. Afterwords we got off the boat we high-tailed it over to a local volcano called Cerro Negro. We were going to go sandboarding down the volcanic rocks, BUT...the trail to mountain consisted of 6 inches of volcanic ash. I don't know if any of you have ever tried to ride your bike in sand, but it is tough. Imagine trying to ride your bike in the sand when the bike weighs some 3-400 lbs, and if you fall off you get cut up by volcanic rock and ashes. It was not a fun ride. Anyway, the sandboard place is open from 8-12:30. Our plan was arrive at about 10:30 and board for two hours; however, we ended up taking an hour to get through half the trail to the volcano. By this time it was 11:30 and we still had half the trail left to go on our bikes, meaning by the time we would have gotten there the rental place would have been closed. So we decided to cut our losses and head back to the highway.

We rode back to Managua (about a 2 hour ride) it some of the windiest conditions I have ever ridden in. Thankfully the sun was shining and I love riding my bike so I still had a great time on our weekend excursion. It's amazing how a bright sunny day keep your spirits no matter what goes wrong.

These next couple weeks I will be pretty busy trying to get ahead because my parents are coming to Nicaragua in a couple weeks. I'm pretty excited, it is their first time coming down to check Nicaragua out. We should have a good time and I have a bunch of activities planned, and, of course, we'll spend a few days at the beach just lounging around.

peace out,
1. Chapel during Spiritual Emphasis Day 2. Myself and Jason up front during Spiritual Emph Day
Gerardo and Chris pose for the camera on Spiritual Emphasis Day