Saturday, 27 September 2008

Buenas Notas

I'm trying to stay a little more on top of this blog. So I'll put an entry in for the week, but its not gonna be to exciting. School was good this week. Like I said in my last entry, I have been working pretty hard during the first few weeks of school. I had been putting together note taking sheets for every class, every day of the week. While these take a long time to make, and is definitely not something that I look forward to doing, I am starting to see the payoff for the hard work. Progress reports came out last week and most of my students had improved their math grades. That was exciting to see! I can see in their faces during class that they are confident that they will be able to do the work when they get home and they are confident come test time. If that wasn't enough, one of our school administrators came up to me on Friday and pulled me aside. She just wanted to let me know that she was hearing from a lot of parents that they are pleased with how much their kids are learning in math class. I was pretty excited to hear that. So that's school.
I tried to consciencely spend more time at home this week with my Nica family. They have gone out of their way to make me part of their family and I am enjoying the time that I spend with them. So this week has been a good Spanish learning week.
That's it.

1 comment:

Shana said...

Sounds like things are going as planned - very good to hear. Congratulations on your progress reports and your students progress as well :) It's great you are forcing yourself to 'stay home' and face the challenge of speaking/learning the language. What an experience! -shana