Tuesday 22 April 2008

Body Movin'

What up party people,
Hey, it's been a few days. Well let me update you on the last post about flag football. Turns out that gringo's tend to be better at American football than Nicaraguans. Shocker! Anyway we have had 6 games or so and we have won all of them. Of course now that I say that we will lose tonight. Pride cometh before the fall. We had a game a couple weeks ago and I was trying to catch a tipped pass and dislocated my pinkie finger. It was nasty looking, the top half of the finger slid on top of the bottom half of the finger.
This week our landlord has finally decided to repair the roof on our house. I don't know if many of you know this or not, but last rainy season whenever it would rain heavily, my bedroom would get flooded. It would drip water all over my bed and my floor. Not fun.
Anyway, after many months of trying to get the landlord to repair the roof. He waits until the next rainy season is almost upon us to repair the roof. Smart. The good news is that he is finally getting around to it. The bad news is that, for this week, I moved my into Bob and Robbie's room. In their room they already have a queen size bed, a twin bed, and now my single. Needless to say there isn't any room for walking around. I had to move out of my room because there isn't a roof over my room and all kinds of crap that has been in our roof, for who knows how long, is falling all over my bedroom. Oh, and by the way, our 'attic' has been home to hundreds of bats, rats, and iguanas over the years. Lots of fun stuff in our attic.
This week is just a regular school week. Only 5 and 1/2 more weeks left of school, not that I am counting down.
Sorry, not too much to report this week. Talk to you soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey J. I saw your old roommate Jake Holtrop this weekend on my trip up to Dordt for Trisha's bachelorette party. He says hi!